We do not have control over social network users and their accounts, and sometimes they unlike/unfollow the pages/accounts which have been already liked/followed.
The real major problem for which you can lose likes/ followers/subscribers is connected to the latest updates on the policy of different social networks: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, VK and etc.
These networks are doing systematical clean-up, in the result of which many users of AddMeFast lose the likes/ views/ subscribers/ followers that they have already gained on AddMeFast.
But, as we have mentioned already, this process cannot be controlled in any way from the side of AddMeFast.
You spend your points and receive the clicks for it.
We cannot take a responsibility for the changes in future. But, we give our users daily bonus points as a compensation for their loss.
This is absolute B.S. I just spent two day accumulating many points to get likes...and....today over half of the likes are gone!!!
You say you don't have control over users...well, you should build a better software where you can control this. If users unlike a page within a specific time frame, automatically revoke their points.
Getting 200 bonus points, (which btw aren't bonus because I have spent time clicking through a certain amount of actions, before getting those "bonus" points) doesn't do me any good because I've wasted valuable time.
Nothing compares to time because you can't buy it.
You need to fix this flaw in your system. Until then, I would never spend money for your points.
Are you kidding me? I watched youtube videos, liking people's youtube videos just for subscribers. I used to have 125 subs. Now I have 85 subs! This is not fair and not good to the community.
You say you can't control losing likes, views, and followers, but that is not true.
Couldn't you just upgrade your software so that anytime someone unsubs, I regain the points taken away or put a disclamer saying If you subscribed and our system detects that you unsubbed, your points will be taken away and the person would get a refund on their points.
Fix the flaw system. It's really anoying.
Really problem is that your services is not really safe, happens that you do not have control over real likes etc, because through you we receive false likes too etc.
For this reason Facebook and other social networks, remove some followers, likes, etc, because they are false
My youtube subscribers are gone now...
It's very sad, this problem that happened 6 years ago until now is still a problem.
There is no hope for this team.... it is like a scamming system...
I have spent many hours to get points but I get nothing in return just headaches...
Too scary to buy points with real money when you know that every subscriber who liked your channel will just unsubscribe the next minute...
I think it's much better to just join groups on Facebook where you can exchange watch to watch or subs to subs for your youtube channel...
I spent almost 24 hours watching videos, then when I used my points to get subscriptions (about 100). When the campaign was concluded I had only gained 45 subs and by the next morning I only had 3 subs. THREE ⚟! that's BS your userbase will continue to act maliciously until you start penalizing people for unsubscribing. I'm so glad that I didn't spend any money on you and that the time I wasted on you was not detracting from my works attention any business that delivers only 3% of what is promised really needs to go away.
P.S. I feel sorry for all those people wasting real money on your service, I honestly hope that those announcements are preprogrammed fake BS, like everything else on your website :[
Addmefast bann theyr Users if they reach big amount of Coins, so its normaly u r getting Dislikes and unfollows after, just rate this services
your services are bs , spending alot of time to get point and when y convert them into youtube .. y lost all your progress and lost also your money and points .. your services are shit ! i feel really sorry about people whos gonna buy from you membership .
I worked a lot to gain free points and spend them in subs and views and likes... and I lose all in the same day... hours after! What a hell??? What do you do to prevent this????
if yougive daily bonus that is 300 i have lost 7*500=3500 i that daily bonus enough
Facebook sucks. They don't even let people view your posts unless you buy into their ads. Someone who knows about laws should really look into this practice. They are even charging people who just have non profit pages.
I think the problem lies in your system also. You should control facebook likes corner, if people already liked that page, it shouldn't appear again for them to like it cuz possibility would be they will like then unlike so they will get points again from it. Seriously I was planning to buy more points but this decreasing likes is so scary, from 700- 300 not sure if it will decrease more. Seriously please fix this.
yes i have same problem in youtube the remove it all
Please why are we doing this to ourselves? Why come here to gather points and later unsubscribe? This is so painful and hurtful. After gathering points for days, I lost the subscribes.This is so painful and really causing me pains. Addmefast, people can only buy points if the system is trusted, please do something. Like make sure people sign undertaken not to unsubscribe, unlike, etc. This is so easy, Users just need to create another YouTube, Facebook, etc account they will use to subscribe and the likes, it doesn't have to be your main channel.
My Subscribers already 118 but in few minutes my my subscribers down to 91 and still going down the numbers. Its not good. All FAKES
Admin, you need to include youtube subscription then view ads of the channel owner before getting points to avoid spam detection from Youtube.
Please do it this, all spending points on youtube subscription are useless becaouse youtube remove all new subscription
Thank you
Hi Admin,
Please add more time, like 3 minutes before anyone can get credit points for youtube subscription, to avoid spam on youtube and avoid losing subscribers.
I lose to much subscribers
Today I noticed that my Account was Banned, no notification, no email NADA!!
Looks like the reason might be the one on top, but then THIS IS A TRAP addmefast is setting to the users!!!!!! THIS IS A UNFAIR MOVE!!
When you put yourself to Like Instagram posts and Facebook post, to AVOID PEOPLE GETTING BANNED they should not show again Post that I already put a LIKE, it is confusing and who pays for the error? the USER!!!!
This was really a BAD move from this site a bad TRICK!!
Now let's see if they will answer to the email I sent because I don't know why I was BANNED!
Fix your website you need to do something about people unsubscribing and unliking, this is nonsense i spend like hours upon hours gaining points the past 3 days been nonstop getting points only to have people unsubscribe 296 subs i got from addmefast and i only have 17 subs never goes up and the points go down, its not youtube removing subs its the people whom use the website that do this in order to keep getting points from the same user.
Fix this bs make it impossible for someone to keep doing this or your website will continue to die slowly, i have notice a big decrease in popularity and the fan base is not there anymore.
Change the way you gain points make it so when someone subs and get points it mark that user and if that user subs again it gives a warning "You are abusing addmefast the next time you unsub or unfollow or unlike is a perma ban" you need to start to take action or else i will stop using AMF these people are lazy they don't create another youtube channel just to sub , i have created like 20 channels just to keep subbing and i never remove the subs i just keep changing accounts when i see i have subbed to many people i create another channel and keep repeating the process this way people get what they pay for, i use skip when the points is low and i play fair, the fact that i play fair and want other to play fair and they dont makes me wanna quit.
I keep losing points and losing subs youtube does not remove my subs the users at addmefast do they continue this abusive sub and unsub game its a cat and mice and addmefast needs to trap the mice or else there will not be any more cheese left in the addmefast community.
i am not received any bonus points as a compensation as loss of likes
Im three days now and using add me fast.
Tho im not using it to get subscribers and likes.
Im using it to get more views in my youtube. And seem so amazing. My revenue keep rising. Thank u addmefast.
this is so bad. my youtube channel was 343 subscribers before using your service. i bought points worth $20. the channel grew to 580 and started going down. now its down to 343 again. all subscribers gone, money gone, time gone and my account is showing i got 548 clicks which of course are invalid clicks.
am in pains right now. this is something i did for a client.
oh what a regret.
Client had 12 subs when started went up to 50 within an hour of this it was back to 12! What the actual heck is going on? for goodness sakes fix this, It says in the rules you aren't supposed to unfollow etc right or did I miss read this?
When we unsubscribe, you can detect. Why not when other people unsubscribe, we get out point refund? And then said you guys wont take responsibility. Well you guys can avoid it you just dont care for your user/us.
Yo solo utilizo esta basura para conseguir visualizaciones, una vez vista vista está, los patéticos usuarios no te las pueden quitar, solo YouTube si revisan y ven algo raro, pero si lo haces bien no hay problema.
That's quite a problem! I think this should be regulated. When subscribing to youtube, you can only earn points once, so I think they unsubscribe to be able to earn points more than once. That's why this page doesn't work properly. This should be changed...
The pictures show how many people started to follow, and after a few days they unfollowed them.
Since Youtube classifies it in the other category, the platform may be faulty. Youtube can detect that subscriptions are coming from other sources.
hi, help my plz. need help in removing Twitter Account of base addmyfast 193276072
I can,t add my tweeter rtweet post promotion
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