It is only possible if this is the first time and you have carefully read our terms again.
You need to fully understand what you did wrong in AddMeFast and then contact our support team with an explanation.
Then we will re-verify your account and it is likely that it will be activated.
plz re-activate my accnt
plz re-activate my accnt
please unblock my link. thank you so much
pls reactivate my acc. i didnt violate the terms of use.
plz re active my account
plz re active my account
Hello good day, I need you to release my AddMeFast account'm Brazilian, the terms be in English for the time to read, I will not violate the terms of AddMeFast more. Please release need to continue using the company's services.
You can then cancel my account so I can utilzar other in the right way?
I request you to please re-activate and unblock my link , thank you so much.
My account was blocked today, Please Re-Activate my account PLEASE....
Please reactive my own page link plzzz, Addmefast system blocked for this reason that i "sold likes" but that is wrong it's my own page. i don't sell points to other kindly solve my problem.
Peço que desbloqueie minha conta, o bloqueio foi injusto pois não estava usando nenhum bot e sim fazendo os cliques manualmente e rapidamente.
Hi today my account got banned, i don't commit any violation of the terms of the service, i ask and hope it could be revised, i'll be waiting for your reply, thank you and really sorry for any caused problem
I didnt done any violence on my account! you people done that may be by mistake please fixed it soon ! waiting for your reply and i want my acccount back on any cost >_<
Oops! The FB page with the same FB ID already exists.
How can fix this problem?
OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT " commit any violation to the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots? Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....
OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT " commit any violation to the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots? Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....
OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT " commit any violation to the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots? Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....
OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT " commit any violation to the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots? Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....
Oops! The FB page with the same FB ID already exists
Please Kindly reactive my account I didn't violate the terms of use.Its very urgent for me because there are added my link.
my link is blocked , because my account was blocked , please help me
please unblock my link. thank you so much
my url is blocked "url already exist" please helpe me
plzzz reactive my accnt
Please reactive my account ( . It was by mistake.
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