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Can I re-activate my addmefast account which was blocked for violation of AddMeFast Terms?



  • jasmeet singh

    plz re-activate my accnt

  • Micmouse183

    plz re-activate my accnt

  • Carensia

     please unblock my link. thank you so much

  • Contatomarcosdelucca


  • Ledoom Hd

    pls reactivate my acc. i didnt violate the terms of use.

  • marwa kheder

    plz re active my account


  • Mr Ahadzade

    plz re active my account

  • Jonatas Silva

    Hello good day, I need you to release my AddMeFast account'm Brazilian, the terms be in English for the time to read, I will not violate the terms of AddMeFast more. Please release need to continue using the company's services.

  • Victor Henrique22
    hello addmefat I think my account was banned unfairly not committed any violation
  • Jonatas Silva

    You can then cancel my account so I can utilzar other in the right way?

  • Bewsyy
    Pls re-activate and unblock my link , thank you so much.
  • Venkat

    I request you to please re-activate and unblock my link , thank you so much.

  • Vanessa

    My account was blocked today, Please Re-Activate my account PLEASE....

  • Hassanbhutta143

    Please reactive my own page link plzzz, Addmefast system blocked for this reason that i "sold likes" but that is wrong it's my own page. i don't sell points to other kindly solve my problem.

  • Pedro Hmo

    Peço que desbloqueie minha conta, o bloqueio foi injusto pois não estava usando nenhum bot e sim fazendo os cliques manualmente e rapidamente.

  • Danny Villarreal

    Hi today my account got banned, i don't commit any violation of the terms of the service, i ask and hope it could be revised, i'll be waiting for your reply, thank you and really sorry for any caused problem

  • Anonymouscreator0x0

    I didnt done any violence on my account! you people done that may be by mistake please fixed it soon ! waiting for your reply and i want my acccount back on any cost >_<

  • Exatlas1

    Oops! The FB page with the same FB ID already exists.

    How can fix this problem?

  • Hammadraja145
    • Hi today my account got banned, i don't commit any violation of the terms of the service, i ask and hope it could be revised, i'll be waiting for your reply, thank you and really sorry for any caused problem
  • Rafarockero1

    OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT "  commit any  violation to  the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots?   Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....

    request more information for whats next !!! " investigate more Next time " i didnt do nothing wrong omg.


  • Rafarockero1

    OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT "  commit any  violation to  the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots?   Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....

    request more information for whats next !!! " investigate more Next time " i didnt do nothing wrong omg.
  • Rafarockero1

    OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT "  commit any  violation to  the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots?   Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....

    request more information for whats next !!! " investigate more Next time " i didnt do nothing wrong omg.
  • Rafarockero1

    OMFG Are you guys Serious excuse my language i'm just so overwhelmed why would you banned me " I DID NOT "  commit any  violation to  the terms.... i just freaking watched youtube videos to earn points for 2 link i have there facebook and instagram wheres the violation ah! ? Do i post porn ? "of course no" strong language "definitely " not,,, bots?   Obviously freaking no !!!! unban me .....

    request more information for whats next !!! " investigate more Next time " i didnt do nothing wrong omg.
  • Fm Mariolourenco

    Oops! The FB page with the same FB ID already exists

  • Dan3223

    Please Kindly reactive my account I didn't violate the terms of use.Its very  urgent for me because there are added my link.

  • Guitibia14

    my link is blocked , because my account was blocked , please help me

  • Artur

    please unblock my link. thank you so much

  • Guitibia14

    my url is blocked "url already exist" please helpe me

  • aymen belfarhi

    plzzz reactive my accnt

  • anny

    Please reactive my account ( . It was by mistake.


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