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How to do if I receiving error during like/follow and etc process, or when trying to add link on addmefast?



  • nedres cakoli

    Can someone reply to me as im waiting 2 weeks for an answer from you guys ???

    Is the support service still working or not ?

    I have submitted 3 times a request and didnt get a response from no one at all !?!? 

    Can someone reply to me please thanks 

  • Mvpratap7
    • The Facebook page you are trying to add does not exist or it is geographically, demographically or age restricted.

    i am Not Restricted my page

  • Kostynel Bota

    I have a request sent too. No answer.

  • Elkatosa Alex

    hi Team

    Has been blocked fallopian YouTube address of the site

    Please help . . Thank you very respect and appreciation
  • baronlen

    Within anything from hours to 3 days, though, certain staple playstyles and techniques emerge for fifa 17 Fut points, and they are analysed, shared and emulated

  • Harut Harutyunyan 2014

    after removing the page again, I can not add to addmefast ->

  • Timur Hoku

    I can not add my profile for "facebook followers", it just says: 

    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id



  • Azerty123

    My instragram account is public. When i was tring to add link on addmefast, i received an error message, i have to enter a good url, but it's not the first time that i do that, and i never had a problem. Also, after this message appear, the Type: Instagram likes but the Page URL was changing : Enter your Facebook Page url.

    So it isn't consistent.

  • denvii

    I have same problem

  • Meuvisualempresa Oficial

    Poxa nossa equipe já abriu  2 tickets solicitando ajuda e vocês nem se quer retornam dando suporte, isso é uma falta de respeito com a gente. Nós participantes do site precisamos de vocês mas vocês também precisam de nós pois sem nós particpantes do site vocês não cresceriam e teriam lucro, então por favor retorne nossa solicitação de ajuda pois desde que criamos nossa conta neste site não estamos conseguindo adicionar nossos links dos canais do youtube no site já passamos os links das contas do youtube para vocês verificarem que os links estão corretos pois sempre que tentamos adicionar os links o site informa que os links estão errados e não estão pois esses mesmos links estão adicionados em outros sites e fucionando normalmente, o erro é do site de vocês ADDMEFAST, por favor verifiquem isso e nos dê retorno com suporte porque esta ficando uma falta de respeito isso.... assim como precisamos de vocês, vocês também precisam da gente. Já estamos tentando suporte de vocês a um mês e nada. Desta vez esperamos mais respeito da parte de vocês e o retorno com ajuda para que possamos incluir os links.

    Nosso email:


    Equipe Meu Visual

    I do not know the writing is right because I'm by google translate Poxa our team has already opened 2 tickets requesting help and you do not even want to return giving support, this is a lack of respect with us. We site participants need you but you also need us because without us particpantes of the site you would not grow and profit, so please return our request for help since we created our account in this site we are not able to add our channel links Of youtube on the site we already passed the links of the youtube accounts for you to verify that the links are correct because whenever we try to add the links the website informs that the links are wrong and are not since those same links are added in other sites and functioning normally , The error is from the site of yours ADDMEFAST, please verify this and give us feedback with support because it is getting a lack of respect this .... just as we need you, you also need us. We've been trying to get support from you for a month and nothing. This time we expect more respect from you and return with help so we can include the links.

    Our email:

    Att, My Visual Team


  • Riyad

    Any Facebook Profile/ID did not adding in addmefast.

    It's Showing "

    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id


  • kevinan25

    No puedo ingresar mi perfil de facebook, por favor arreglen el problema. Ya va así varios días y no soy el

    único con este problema -.- 

  • Meuvisualempresa Oficial

    I do not know the writing is right because I'm by google translate Poxa our team has already opened 3 tickets requesting help and you do not even want to return giving support, this is a lack of respect with us. We site participants need you but you also need us because without us particpantes of the site you would not grow and profit, so please return our request for help since we created our account in this site we are not able to add our channel links Of youtube on the site we already passed the links of the youtube accounts for you to verify that the links are correct because whenever we try to add the links the website informs that the links are wrong and are not since those same links are added in other sites and functioning normally , The error is from the site of yours ADDMEFAST, please verify this and give us feedback with support because it is getting a lack of respect this .... just as we need you, you also need us. We've been trying to get support from you for a month and nothing. This time we expect more respect from you and return with help so we can include the links.

  • Artemkapitsa


    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id

  • Hyonickal

    Why i dont get clicks in my campaing ?

  • fahad hossain

    I can not add my profile for "facebook followers", it just says: 

    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id



    Any Facebook Profile/ID did not adding in addmefast.

    It's Showing "

    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id
  • Alejandro BM

    I can not add my profile for "facebook followers", it just says: 

    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id



    Look for tutorials to know my facebook ID, but the same error




  • Maismazen7
    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id
  • techni news

    Any Facebook Profile/ID did not adding in addmefast.

    It's Showing "

    • Facebook username does not exists, please enter valid username or id
  • Maismazen7

  • Eneskoldas09 hesabimda instagram adi eklemek istiyorum url mevcut yaziyor ama yok yazmadim help me thanks

  • william hochmann

    Í can't add my pagge instagram!
    URL already exists.

  • Mottaoficial

    Hello, my instagram link is informing you that you are registered, can you remove it?

    Instagram: emersonmota_

    It's Showing "URL already exists."

  • Wlader

    suporte do addmefast é uma merda, nem sei para que tem isso, esses putos não responde e não resolve nada

  • sam

    Did it ever resolved for you?

  • sam

    I'm still looking for help please!!

    I opened a few cases but no answer and now I tried posting a community post but the topic dropdown won't work. How can I ask for some help here?

  • Hugobond17

    Hello friends, good night!

    Last year I changed my username on instagram from "enriquetwo to: “onehenryh”...

    but I can't add my account on the addmefast site to get followers... When trying to add the url, I get the following error:

    "URL already exists".

    Please help me. ☹

  • santos

    have you solved it friend?

  • Ahmad I 18

    @Hugobond17 did u get any solution for ur problem ? please help us ?????? we r using this site no for nothing please any help and u can DM in my ig account (A.WADY96)



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